
Final Post

 This has been one of the most exhausting projects I've ever worked on over the course of this major, and not always for bad reasons. Overall, I felt like I got off on the wrong foot with this project. I spent most of my time struggling to understand what was required of me in terms of cards. I got very little instruction in terms of what was needed by my group leaders. It was interesting working on models exclusively, but I wish I had more specific programming cards given to me. I felt like I as cut off from my area of expertise and I didn't receive much assistance. I felt like, that due to the shorter sprints, I couldn't put in as much time as I wanted on the models, and due to the vagueness of the model instructions themselves, I couldn't really grasp what was required.  For a while, I would create a high and low poly LoD model, textured, UVed, and put into the game. This stopped being feasible since I started receiving criticism for the low amount of cards moved. In...

Week 5 Sprint Results

 I didn't do much at all this sprint. I got to wake up, not sleeping, trying to find out what I'm supposed to be doing, not being able to find out what I'm supposed to be doing, and then trying to make up for it all sprint. I got to find out that somebody got to have a card put into complete for my door model to be textured, despite previously having the door card get sent back for it not being textured when I first turned it in, then not receiving a card for texturing it, then texturing it, then finding out none of that mattered because it got textured by someone else. I've done everything I could to make this work; I don't sleep, I just try to model things out from the reference provided. I got a card taken away from me because I was trying to model it too close to reference, and then I get made fun of by my group for it being an 'easy card', and then it turns out the way they modeled it was by subdividing a rectangle and putting wheels on the bottom. So I...

Week 4 Sprint Results

 I keep trying and I'm not sure where I'm going wrong. At this point I've basically got confirmation that I'm failing this class no matter what I do, and getting that notice sucked all the air out of me. Still, I managed to get some work done, and I guess I'm proud of myself a little bit for what I managed to do.  I had a number of things sent back to in progress and I had to go back and review things. It's not a big problem, but it was some extra things to work on: For the doors, I initially planned on doing a shader to switch between white and tan coloration. As I realized that the smart material wouldn't really work with shaders in the way I wanted, without some heavy tweaking, I decided to use the extra space on my texture map in order to accommodate this change.  With the design of the greenhouse, I'm hoping to use texture-baking to create the impression of the lattice structure without having to boost the polycount in-game. A challenge I may run in...

Week 3 Sprint Results

 Well, at least some things happened.  I got tasked with making doors, and I got almost there. I also set up skyboxes with some transition effects, which were pretty cool. My original plan was to make a shader that could blend between the two skyboxes, but that didn't really work out; as it turns out, you need to explicitly set up a six-sided skybox and then use a third-party shader to blend between the two successfully, which I did not have the time for.  I also made animations and sound effects for the doors. I am currently working on the door model, and I'm very excited to try and get this done, since I want to try out a new technique to use a shader to blend things together.  Most of all I'm just kind of worried about this class. I think I already failed it so I'm not putting 100% of effort in since it feels pointless. I'm trying to fix that attitude, but I can't unless I get a definite answer on whether or not I can actually turn this around.

Week 2 Sprint Results

For this sprint, I tried to make the bus work, realized it was becoming a black hole of time where I wasn't really sure where it was going to end up, and decided to focus on other models while shelving it for the time being. However, I did find good reference for the bus, and got good pictures of the near-exact make and model to model from. Instead, I worked on the utility pole model; something that was easily available to me. I found reference for the recommended dimensions of a wooden utility pole, found a reference of the Utility pole from Nuketown itself, and composited it in order to create the necessary reference for the model. I then created a high poly and low poly model, which I textured and made sure worked in the scene as an LOD model.  Additionally, since I knew I wanted to procedurally generate the power cables instead of modeling them in Unity, since there's multiple Utility Poles and it'd be a huge waste of resources to make a dozen realistic looking 3D cable...