Final Post

 This has been one of the most exhausting projects I've ever worked on over the course of this major, and not always for bad reasons. Overall, I felt like I got off on the wrong foot with this project. I spent most of my time struggling to understand what was required of me in terms of cards. I got very little instruction in terms of what was needed by my group leaders. It was interesting working on models exclusively, but I wish I had more specific programming cards given to me. I felt like I as cut off from my area of expertise and I didn't receive much assistance. I felt like, that due to the shorter sprints, I couldn't put in as much time as I wanted on the models, and due to the vagueness of the model instructions themselves, I couldn't really grasp what was required. 

For a while, I would create a high and low poly LoD model, textured, UVed, and put into the game. This stopped being feasible since I started receiving criticism for the low amount of cards moved. Instead, I started creating just the models and uploading them to the game, where they'd occasionally get sent back. I got asked about texture sheets and whether I was keeping things in scale with other artists. I did my best to,  even if the resources weren't available. Finally, despite doing my best to keep up with the cards assigned to me from a thin backlog, it ended up that I had to have cards taken away from me in order for the assignment to be completed on time. I was asked where textures were despite having cards approved without textures. I finished this assignment by rapidly texturing what little I could and turning it in late at night. 

I wish I could've done more; the things I overall could've done to make this a better experience was asking my team leader for more defined objectives, for more cards related to my specific programming knowledge, and to ask for more cards for all the work I did, and not just allowing myself to have one point provided to me whether I did the most I could for a card or the minimum effort possible for a card. 


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